Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the leader-"the Rebbe" -of the Lubavitch
movement of Chassidic Judaism for forty-four years, was a paradoxical man.
While he barely set foot outside his neighborhood during his entire leadership,
his influence was felt world wide. His passing on June 12, 1994 , was met with
great sadness- not onlyby the hundreds of thousands of members of the Lubavitch
movement of Chassidus, which he had led since 1950, but by heads of state,
religious leaders, editorial writers, and the additional millions who
recognized his selfless leadership and deep spirituality, his dedication to
education and to the betterment of the society.
the Rebbe's teachings carry a universal message, it must be remembered that he
was primarily a Jewish leader. As such, he launched an unprecedented effort to
encourage every Jew to embrace and deepen his or her connection to Judaism; his
talks specifically addressed the means by which Jews should perform the mitzvoh
that the Torah commands them.
utterly faithful to Jewish tradition and law, the Rebbe presented theTorah's universal
truths in an accessible and relevant manner, instruction to people of all races
and all beliefs. The
Rebbe put special emphasis on the obligation to adhere to the Seven noahide
laws, the universal code of morality and ethics that was given to all mankind
at Sinai.
Rebbe's message, and the way he taught it, is the culmination of more than
ninety generations of Torah scholarship, begnning with Moses. It is also the
culmination of nine generations of the Chassidic tradition, going back to the
founding of the movement in 1734 by Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, who was
followed by rabbi Dovber of Mezeritch and Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. It was
Rabbi Schneur Zalman who established the branch of Chabad Chassidus later known
as Lubavitch.
Rebbe" was considered on of the world's foremost religious shcholars, he
was also recognized as a brilliant scholar in mathematics and science. Menachem
Mendel Schneerson was born in April 18, 1902 (the eleventh day of Nissan,5662)
, in Nikolayev , a town in the southern Ukraine. His father , Rabbi Levi
Yitzchak Schneerson, was a renowned scholar; his mother , rebbetzin Chana
Schneerson, was an aristocratic woman from a prestigious rabbinic family . He
had two younger brothers, Dovber and Yisroel Aryeh Leib. When Menachem Mendel
was five years old, the family moved to Yekaterinoslav, now Dnepropetrovsk,
where his father was appointed chief rabbi.
the time he reached his bar mitzvah, he was considered a Torah prodigy. In 1923
, he met Rabbi Yousef yitzchak Schneersohn then the Lubavitcher Rebbe- who drew
him into his inner circle giving him various responsibilities; five years
later, in Warsaw , he married the Rebbe's second-eldest daughter, Chaya Mushka
(1901- 1988). The couple moved to Berlin where he began studying mathmematics
and sciences at the university of Berlin . Because of the Nazi rise, the young
rabbi and his wife left Berlin in 1933 for Paris . When the Nazis occupied
Paris , the couple was forced to escape the city. On June 23, 1941 they arrived
by boat in New York, where Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn appointed his
son-in-law head of Lubavitch's educational arm, as well as the movement's
social-service organization and its publishing house. In 1951 he assumed the
title of Rebbe, explaining to members of the movement that while he would be
devoted to his work as leader, each man and woman was ultimately responsible
for his or her own actions, and for his or her own pursuit of G-dliness. The
ensuing forty-four years of the Rebbe's leadership saw Lubavitch grow from a
small movement nearly devastated by the holocaust to a worldwide community of
more than 200,000 members. Today there are more than fourteen hundred
Chabad-Lubavitch institutions in thirty-five countries on six continents.
Some of the Rebbe's words of wisdom:-
G-d's concealing his presence
is not an absence of light; rather it is like a "container" that
hides from our eyes that which is within the container. And what is inside the
container is G-d's pure light and energy. On our own , thought, we do not
exist, for "there is none else besides Him". But with Him ,
"exist". What is not real is our perception that our existence is all
there is .
Since G-d does want us
to unite with Him, He created an elaborate and elegant process by which we can
do so. We begin by probing and asking questions, then emotionally grappling
with our existential pain through our search for meaning.
When you see yourself
as a self-contained individual with no clear purpose in life, you may be
controlled by conflicting thoughts and desires.
Freeing yourself from
pain begins through movement- moving away and distracting yourself from the
painful situation , moving away from the cause that produced such painful
symptoms so that you can begin to heal.
A parent is not truly
loving his or her child when, out of so-called love, he does not want to
discipline, the child for doing something wrong or harmful.
The sage Hillel says,
"Love your fellow creatures"; why "creatures", and not
"human beings"? Because even if they are nothing but
"creatures" they were created by G-d , which in itself is reason to
love them . And each of G-d's creatures has the potential to reach great
On Sunday afternoons,
the Rebbe would stand outside the door of his office to greet and bestow a
blessing upon anyone who came to see him. He would often stand for hours, as
thousands of people filed by, many of them seeking blessing or advice about a
personal matter or a spiritual dilemma. The Rebbe was once asked how he had the
strength to stand all day. "When I see all these people , it is like
counting diamonds," he replied with a smile . "One doesn't grow weary
or weak when counting something as beautiful as diamonds."
Life is the recognition
of G-d and the mission that he has charged us with - refining ourselves and
sanctifying our world.
It is perhaps
preferable to make an incorrect decision and learn from the experience than to
be frozen by the fear of indecision.
At a gathering of a
family and friends celebrating a child's birth the Rebbe explained three
reasons to rejoice at such an occasion : the joy of the entire world for the
birth of a new member , the joy of the parents for being blessed with a child,
and the joy of the child for having been brought into the world. "But how
can we celebrate when we don't yet know how a child will turn out?" one
man asked. "Birth marks the moment when the soul enters the body. "
said the Rebbe . "And because the soul is connected directly to G-d , that
is reason enough to rejoice;"